Friday, January 6, 2012

The UNO Monster

I have been back to work for one week now.  It's been a difficult week.  I enjoyed spending so much time with them and miss all of that.  It's also been difficult trying to get off that break schedule of staying up and sleeping late.  Each time I have a break I say "Next time we are going to stick to our schedule", but then it doesn't happen.  Why?  Well, life happens and we spend those few extra minutes with friends and family that keep us up late.  We enjoy not waking up to an alarm...this family is not a morning friendly family.

We've had some tears and fits but we've also laughed and danced.

Some of our challenges this week have been trying to keep up with the cleaning and laundry.  It's so easy to get out of our routine and have Mommy take care of it all when she is here.  But when Mommy goes back to work, it's a different story.  Well, our house definitely has that live in look.  It's not totally a disaster. That would drive me nuts, but it isn't spotless.  I saw a quote the other day, "Please excuse the mess, the children are making memories".  It is perfect!!  We are making memories.   That "disaster" in the boys' rooms is really a city for their cars.  The blankets in the living room are in preparation for a fort (or to keep snuggly warm if it ever gets cold this winter).  The pile of papers are art masterpieces that just haven't found their museum wall yet.  And those UNO cards left on the table are in preparation for an upcoming game.

Yes, UNO, the card game.  I introduced the game to the boys this past week and that is all my youngest wants to play.  He loves it!  For a three year old it's actually a great game.  He is re-enforcing his colors and learning his numbers.  He likes card and board games like his mommy.  I may have created an UNO Monster.

Memories were definitely made this week. Pin It

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